Wisdom is Sunlight Of the Soul
Quotes, aphorisms, proverbs or whatever you want to call them — I’m a junkie. I picked up the habit from my father who was an Associated Press journalist. Readers of my nationally syndicated column will recognize them as morals. They need to be short, snappy and to the point. A good moral or proverb must…
Propaganda is the Art of Overwhelming Logic
One type of mind control involves defeating logic as a method of thinking. Modern formulations of basic logic begin with the statement: You can’t have A and not-A. Which is a way of saying contradictions are unacceptable. So it’s no surprise that mind control attempts to introduce contradictions into rational processes. You see this in…
Vaccines and the use of Live Delivery Abortion to Order
A recent vaccine cell line from China was developed from a 3 month old fetus that was deliberately kept alive after delivery, to harvest cells. The researchers obtained the cell line from a group of 9 abortions which were deliberately carried out in a way that birthed a live fetus using the ‘water bag’ method.…