Accessing Medical Marijuana
Australia really does have a peculiar poisons regulation system, particularly when you want to access a non-psychoactive version of medical cannabis, in the form of hemp. According to this outpatient alcohol rehab, although doctors can now legally prescribe medical marijuana they can only do so if they register at the federal and state levels for…
Book Launch – “A Prescription for Pharmacy”
Editor’s Note: Mouhamad Zoghbi is a nurse by profession, has two siblings who are pharmacists and is married to a pharmacy assistant. He is also a medical representative for a global drug manufacturer. He has just written and published a book titled “A Prescription for Pharmacy”. As its’ title implies, pharmacy may be a sick…
Homeopathy – a Political Diversion Rather than a Valid Issue
The spotlight has recently been shone on Homeopathy with GP commentators saying that if pharmacist collaboration is to occur with GP’s then homeopathy should be banned within pharmacies. Then we have had some pharmacy commentators echoing the call mainly from the HMR accredited sector- the pharmacists from NHP pharmacology actually seeking collaboration with GP’s. Given…
Keep your funny side up
Life is funny – or at least, I think it should be. Finding humor in everyday things is a gift. Our very serious world can be depressing and overwhelming. Problems at work can seem insurmountable. Your car is making a disturbing noise, and the kids’ school just called to let you know your daughter,…
A History of Pharmacy in Pictures – a Culture Change Reference
While this slide presentation (at the foot of this text) leads into the history of US pharmacy, we all share a common heritage up to 1788, the birth year of European settlement in Australia. As part of understanding the culture of pharmacy, everyone needs to know their origins to be able to centre their own…