Time for common sense and good science to prevail in the Australian vaccination debate
In recent weeks we have seen a media led campaign that has resulted in sensible debate about vaccination being sidelined by hysteria and misinformation.An artificial dualism has emerged where people are cast as either ‘pro’ or ‘anti’.This mitigates against myriad other positions, such as being in favour of vaccination in general, but having concerns about…
Freedom of Speech in Australia and the HPV Vaccine
Editor’s Note: The incident described in the material below is presented by Judy Wilyman, a PhD candidate. As a PhD student, she of all people is mentored in the correct aspects of developing medical evidence. As she has developed her thesis she has found many shortfalls in official evidence, particularly that surrounding the hysteria that…
It’s Not Just Sony Pictures Facing Security Issues – It’s Pharmacy!
Editor’s Note: Steve Jenkin has an interest in cybersecurity and is the “go to” person for i2P in these matters. The recent hacking of Sony in the US when it was about to release a movie based on the North Korean dictator (and the hackers also thought to be the North Korean government) illustrated vividly…
Channel 7 Program Sunday Night Reports on Trasylol Cover-Up
Ross Coulthart, the Sunday Night investigative reporter from Channel 7 TV, broke a story involving the drug Trasylol, its grim history and the trail of destruction created after its original launch in the global marketplace. The story revolved around Jenny Lloyd, a Victorian woman who was two years old when her father (David Lloyd) died…
HPV Vaccine and One Young Australian Woman Becomes Another Victim
Editor’s Note: The following material has been prepared by Judy Wilyman and it appears in i2P because it illustrates vaccine damage to children, and their families, first hand. Damage that is concealed from politicians and health care professionals. These damaged people have formed themselves into a fighting group – as is their right. i2P would…
Vaccine Lobbying Australian-Style: HPV Vaccine Questioned
Editor’s Note: There is something sick about the medico-political structure in Australia, and indeed most other western economies. Judy Wilyman, a PhD student based at the University of Wollongong, is researching government vaccination policies. And it’s just as well because vaccination policy is all over the place, seemingly driven by vaccine manufacturers with little regard…
MMR Vaccine Found to Cause Autism in African-American Children
Recent revelations concerning clinical trials involving MMR vaccine and the non-reporting of the incidence incurred in an African-American sub group involved with the trial. The revelation came in the release of a statement by William Thomson admitting that certain important information had been omitted from an article published in the journal Pediatrics back in 2004.…