EDITORIAL for Monday 16 May 2016
Welcome to this edition of i2P (information to Pharmacists) E-Magazine, dated Monday 16 May 2016. It is acknowledged that working interactively and collaboratively across professional and organisational silos, is more likely to lead to research and work experiences that is relevant, timely and contributes to effective policy and practice – a professionally satisfying experience. Acknowledging…
Your Dispensary – Core Business Could Evaporate
This year will be “crunch time” for most community pharmacies who have not yet decided on adopting disruptive technologies as a means of improving the “bottom line” of their pharmacy. I am thinking specifically the decision to purchase a robotic dispensing machine. It is almost a “no-brainer”. Robotic dispensing equipment has been available to pharmacy…
Avatars May Take Over Patient Communications – Where to from there?
Global Pharma’s are known to be funding the development of systems to deal directly with patients. These systems will involve the use of Artificial Intelligence and the use of Volumetric 3D immersion technologies. The former will allow delivery of technical information through well modulated voice transmission, while the latter will provide an “avatar” transformed from…
Fish Oil Capsules Get Blamed For Unreported Drug Interactions – Now THERE’S a Surprise . . .
Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, May 4, 2016 In what is getting to be known as the anti-dietary supplement journal, JAMA Internal Medicine is at it yet again. The journal recently reported on changes in prescription drug and dietary supplements from 2005 to 2011, with prescription drug use rising from 84.1% to 87.7% and dietary supplements from 51.8%…
Meditating on our health
Editor’s Note: It is refreshing to see information published by an authoritative Australian source that promotes non-drug therapy, or therapies that will support other forms of treatment, and be supported by evidence. As pharmacists we are often aware of various forms of treatments (including meditation) that are supported by evidence, but we still have to…
Why are health professionals so hostile to each other?
The amount of hostility among health professionals seems to be at an all-time high. Are “scope of practice” and “turf” battles really escalating, or it it just more visible in this modern era of anonymous comments and online posts? The conversation gets louder and uglier. Patients are complex creatures. Medical care is multi-faceted. We see…
I’ll never forget what’s-his-name
A man had gone to a circus as a small boy and decided to return years later. He was sitting in a cheap seat when an elephant came along, reached up into the stands, wrapped his trunk gently about the man and carried him over to the best seat. The man turned to his…
Letters, Newsletters and Abstracts in Support of Your Human Rights Surrounding Vaccination Policy
Editor’s Note: Tirelessly, Judy Wilyman has been conducting a campaign against bad vaccination policy. In this process she has peeled back the layers of Pharma financial interest that is the primary cause of this policy distortion. As in the US, Pharma is beginning to “own” government in Australia. In the two weeks preceding this edition…
National Volunteer Week 2016: THANK YOU to PSS volunteers
National Volunteer Week, which runs from 9th to 15th May, is an ideal time to acknowledge the work of the pharmacists and retired pharmacists who support their colleagues as volunteers with the Pharmacists’ Support Service (PSS). About 25 pharmacists, trained specifically for this role, work behind the scenes to provide telephone support service to Australian…
PSA Media Releases – 1. Early Career Pharmacists to Join National Board 2. Pharmacist Vaccination Boost to Public Health 3. PSA Funded as Peak Body 4. Budget Funding Adequacy Questioned
Early Career Pharmacist invited to join PSA National Board 12 May 2016 An exciting opportunity for an Early Career Pharmacist (ECP) to become a National Board Director to help shape the future of the profession is being offered by the peak national organisation for pharmacists, the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia (PSA). Following a historic resolution…