EDITORIAL for Monday 30 May 2016
Welcome to this edition of i2P (Information to Pharmacists) E-Magazine dated Monday 30 May 2016. Well, we are still waiting on the report by Stephen King as part of a long-drawn process of conditioning pharmacists to the acceptance of a program that is going to destroy community pharmacy as we know it. Despite assertions by…
Do You Promote Free Advice?
Frequently there is a lament recycled by pharmacy commentators that the business model for community pharmacy has relied on providing services through the margins received for recommended products. That model is still a valid part of community pharmacy culture, except that it has not been appropriately adjusted to counter market changes that have occurred over…
The Perfect Prescription
In the world of pharmacy we have evolved from basically a practice that dealt in compounded prescriptions of herbal substances at an affordable cost to a plethora of synthetic drugs supported by dubious evidence. And it has happened in my lifetime. My query is that if we have a situation where so-called solid evidence exists…
Another Big Yellow Box Format
For some time the name “Big Yellow Box” has been the unofficial title given to a certain warehouse-type pharmacy group. Psychologically it has been determined that the colour yellow in association with retail environments creates a flow-on effect of “cheapness” or “low cost” in a consumer’s mind. Many major retailers include large slabs of the…
Salad May Cause Autism? If Johns Hopkins Says So, It MUST be True
Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, May 18, 2016 If you believe the media (and golly, doesn’t everybody?), pregnant women should not eat leafy green vegetables. Well, that is the gist of Johns Hopkins’ May 11 report that “Too Much Folate in Pregnant Women Increases Risk for Autism” (http://www.jhsph.edu/news/news-releases/2016/too-much-folate-in-pregnant-women-increases-risk-for-autism-study-suggests.html ). Okay, the study actually targets supplements, but let’s…
A Cautious Introduction of Marijuana into Your Pharmacy
Recently, an Israelis company lodged an application to approve its topical cannabis derived products for sale in the Australian market place. So topical marijuana may be the first entrant in the Australian pharmacy market. Some marijuana products already exist in the retail market place – but they are for external use only. Hemp oil, for…
Vaccine Maniacs are in Charge – Time to Move on Them
New vaccines will permanently alter human DNA Why is the government so maniacal about injecting vaccines?By Jon Rappoport Consider this article in light of the accelerating push to mandate and enforce vaccination across the planet. The reference is the New York Times, 3/15/15, “Protection Without a Vaccine.” It describes the frontier of research. Here…
Create a ‘trust fund’ with your team
I am convinced that T-R-U-S-T is the most important five-letter word in business – not sales or money or any other replaceable commodities. Trust can be fragile, especially in the workplace. Once it’s broken, few companies, managers or employees ever win it back. At every level of every organization, workers need to understand the importance…
PSA Media Releases 1. National Real Time Monitoring 2. Response to Labor’s PBS Policy
National real-time medicine monitoring will save lives May 26, 2016 Hundreds of lives would be saved and hospitalisations reduced if a national real-time recording and reporting system for medicines was adopted, according to a new statement by the peak national body for pharmacists, the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia (PSA). Recent statistics show misuse of pharmaceuticals…
NPS Media Releases – Miscellaneous Releases – National Medicines Symposium
23 MAY 2016 BRINGING HEALTH DECISION MAKING INTO THE REAL WORLD: NATIONAL MEDICINES SYMPOSIUM The ninth National Medicines Symposium wrapped up in Canberra on Friday with a stimulating look at how health decision making happens in the real world. Improving health literacy, focusing on shared decision making and helping people to find and access high…