EDITORIAL for Monday 15 February, 2016
Welcome to this weeks’ edition of i2P (Information to Pharmacists) E-Magazine dated Monday 15 February 2016. Time is running out for Australian Pharmacy and one of the main reasons is that disruptive technologies are enabling pharmacy’s predators to become quicker on their feet and chip away larger “chunks” of pharmacy territory. Our predators have one…
Disruptive Technology for Patient Engagement
New technologies pave the way for innovation to drive business practices in pharmacy. Unfortunately, innovation appears to be a slow process in Australian pharmacies and as a result there is a pent-up frustration among young pharmacists that nothing is happening. On the other side of the coin there seems to be a majority of pharmacy…
The Evolution of the Walk-In Clinic to Urgent Care Clinic
Australian pharmacy is now well behind its US and UK counterparts in the development of walk-in clinics and appears almost frightened, certainly reluctant, to build on this obvious platform that has proven successful in re-aligning many large pharmacy groups back to a balanced core health business. CVS in the US appears to be the main…
Creativity and Innovation – In Pharmacy, both may need an injection
Creativity and innovation are terms constantly used in the world of business, but what do they really mean in that context? The dictionary defines creativity as: “the ability to transcend traditional ideas, rules, patterns, relationships, or the like, and to create meaningful new ideas, forms, methods, interpretations, etc.; originality, progressiveness, or imagination” For an actual example of creativity I turned to Seth Godin, and he did not fail me. “One of my favorite triumphs of all time happened…
Courage is an everyday virtue
Students in a philosophy class were anxiously awaiting the start of their final exam. The professor had warned them that it would be one of the most challenging tests they would ever take. The teacher wrote one question on the board and said, “This is your exam. You have one hour to complete it.” One…
Patient Engagement – Start With The Salutation
Health is a very personal business and trust is a very important element in the “engagement” mix as far as delivering information about conditions or medications, and the mentoring required when transferring knowledge and understanding. Engagement is a two-way process and involves system and style. For example, I have often used my knowledge of family…
Vaccinations, Vitamin C, and “Choice”
Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, February 13, 2016 Some folks are pretty appalled that my husband and I had our children vaccinated. People write and tell me that vaccinations are dangerous. They warn me about the side effects of this vaccine and that one. They share alternative, natural ways to improve immunity. What we’ve got here…
PSA Media Releases – 1. Tasmanian Pharmacists First Flu Vaccinations 2. Medicinal Cannabis Important First Step
Pharmacists set to give first flu vaccinations in Tasmania 12 February 2016 The first pharmacists have undergone immunisation training in Tasmania to enable them to provide vaccinations for the coming flu season, Australia’s peak body for pharmacists the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia (PSA) said today. In a win for pharmacists and the community, the Tasmanian…
ASMI Media Release – ASMI’s 2016 pre-Budget submission urges regulatory reforms to incentivise investment and innovation
ASMI’s 2016 pre-Budget submission urges regulatory reforms to incentivise investment and innovation 9 February 2016 – In its 2016 pre-Budget Submission, the Australian Self Medication Industry (ASMI) proposes three regulatory reforms to incentivise investment and innovation in the non-prescription medicines sector and increase consumer access to medicines. ASMI Chief Executive Officer, Deon Schoombie, said: “The…
NPS Media Release – Choosing Wisely: The Next Wave
11 FEBRUARY 2016 ANNOUNCING CHOOSING WISELY AUSTRALIA: THE NEXT WAVE The next wave of Choosing Wisely Australia® will launch on 16 March 2016. The global initiative continues to expand and gain momentum in Australia in 2016. Medical colleges, societies and associations are uniting at the launch to take the lead on identifying over 50 medical…